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Extraterrestrials - NiX - 09-03-2009

Topic was spurred by the links I posted in the news thread.

What's your opinion on intelligent extraterrestrial life? Notice how I'm being politically correct by not using the term Aliens. Not that our politics would apply to them, if ever. LOL

Personally, I'm pretty sure that extraterrestrial life exists, as in the more simple life forms. As for intelligent life, well I'll say it's highly likely. The probability for it is exponentially huge, I'm sure.

It actually surprises me when people say that they don't even consider the possibility of it, whether it's because of religious reasons (even though the Catholic church says that the existence of extraterrestrial life actually testifies to the splendor of a superior being) or simple ineptitude.

Your thoughts?

RE: Extraterrestrials - Grim - 09-03-2009

I believe that extraterrestials exist. Like you said, the universe is a vast place, and it's either arrogance or stupidity that says we are the only life forms in its entire vastness. To the extent of their intelligence (greater/lesser than ours), again, I can't say anything certain.

I also believe that they've already visited us here. But just exactly how much contact we've had with them (crop circles - hoax or true? Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Egypt - purely manmade or had outside help?), I also don't know.

RE: Extraterrestrials - Goat - 09-03-2009

For a place this HUEG, I find it hard to believe that our galaxy is the only one to have this glitch; life.

And with a vast number of galaxies and planets out there, there must be at least a handful of planets that support life outside the Milky Way. Though I'm still in doubt about extraterrestrial beings in contact with us.

RE: Extraterrestrials - Aruren - 09-04-2009

There's a high probability that there IS life out there.

Even though I can argue Grim's presented evidence, I also believe that there is life out there. Intelligent? I don't know.

But what I think is that we shouldn't limit what we perceive as other life out there to what we recognize in movies. They can be micro/nanoscopic sized beings that know more about the universe than we do or be a single-celled organism that can be a size of a planet. Or I dunno, maybe giant whales flying through the vastness of space? I know it sounds funny, but the general idea presented to me from documentaries in Discovery is that they have to be somewhat similar to humans, who breathe, communicate, eat and breed. For all I know they view time differently, like how plants do (1 second for us can be a decade for them or vice-versa).

However, if you want to stick to the idea that life out there needs to meet a certain 'checklist.' I'm very doubtful you'll meet any.

RE: Extraterrestrials - Serene - 09-04-2009

They're either extraterrestials or evolved humans from the future. Going from when they're at to here just to look at their old predecessors for a field trip.

RE: Extraterrestrials - Sforza - 09-04-2009

First thing that comes to mind when you said extraterrestrials.
[Image: superman.jpg]

RE: Extraterrestrials - Grim - 09-04-2009

He's the shiz.

RE: Extraterrestrials - NiX - 09-04-2009

Oh, no RR. Thread OVER. LOL

But seriously. So yeah, we're kind of in an agreement that there most probably is "life" out there. Intelligent? We don't really know.

How do you think we'll deal with this if ever some do come visiting though? Will we go Star Trek on them or maybe District 9 (no, haven't watched the movie yet)?

RE: Extraterrestrials - Lord_Leperman - 09-04-2009

I myself would like to believe there are other intelligent lifeforms out there :p. Sadly I doubt I'll ever see aliens at least within my lifetime.

Ideally I'd want a Star Trek-ish future if ever we do come into contact with aliens, where peaceful co-existence maters much more than conflict or war. Conflicts may arise at some point, but at least they can be resolved diplomatically. District 9 though, shows more of the ugly side of humanity when faced with extraterrestrials, especially if we perceive them as lower or sub-human, that's why the film asks serious questions on how humanity may react to such a milestone event in our history.

RE: Extraterrestrials - J.E_Magog - 09-04-2009

I'm not entirely serious about this but I think were starting to evolve into aliens(heads getting bigger while body gets smaller)

RE: Extraterrestrials - Shintetsu - 09-05-2009

I'm leaning on the possibility that there is life somewhere else, although I have neither seen nor witnessed any proof of extraterrestrial life. The universe is too big for us to be certain of our sole existence here.

We still can't be certain about life somewhere else in the universe, probably because we're still too primitive to confirm it by our own means. One unbelievable fact, though, is..
(09-03-2009, 11:52 PM)Goat Wrote: For a place this HUEG,..
..why I haven't seen anyone do something about this. Bakit nyo pinagiinitan si Raffy? LOL
(09-04-2009, 04:00 PM)J.E_Magog Wrote: I'm not entirely serious about this but I think were starting to evolve into aliens(heads getting bigger while body gets smaller)

It's plausible. We may be evolving in such a way that our brains will get better (not necessarily bigger), and we may lose part or most of our brute strength, mainly because we won't be using our strength as much.

RE: Extraterrestrials - Hempire - 09-05-2009

i would like to discuss my thoughts on this topic, but i'm always out of the house and can't spend time with teh i'll get back on this topic, maybe on HERBS!

RE: Extraterrestrials - Goat - 09-05-2009

(09-05-2009, 02:07 AM)Shintetsu Wrote: I'm leaning on the possibility that there is life somewhere else, although I
(09-03-2009, 11:52 PM)Goat Wrote: For a place this HUEG,..
..why I haven't seen anyone do something about this. Bakit nyo pinagiinitan si Raffy? LOL

That was done on purpose, in case you didn't know. :p

Other than that, I was kind of thinking we won't get something like Mass Effect though.

RE: Extraterrestrials - Shintetsu - 09-05-2009

Mass Effect? Care to deliberate?

RE: Extraterrestrials - Hempire - 09-06-2009

District 9. Search it. =D
Kinda biased towards humans but oh well, we're a fucked up race as a whole so yeah.