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Full Version: ac4_ps3: Ziz
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I checked out the design and yeah, its good... While its in 1.4 anyway... If I recall, in 1.6, the 051ANNR was screwed up badly. It fires a single shot every 2 seconds now. Of course, the DID increase the power by 100 points, but I think the rate of fire's just not worth it anymore. Anyway, yeah, in 1.4, that design looks really effective. Seems speedy enough, especially since you're using the Soluh legs and Soluh core. I suggest you stick with the Maxwell. Soluh core without PA is asking for pain. Why max QB Back though? I don't know about your playstyle, but it never really served any purpose for me... What's its turning ability?

P.S. I agree with TPAM. Love the EC-0307AB~
ardjin Wrote:QB back adds thrust on QB main
Wait, wait... It DOES?! Shock
Based on what I know, Back QB is the speed/power of Backwards QB only, having nothing to do with going forward... Having thought like that, I have never once attempted to allocate anything in there.
Well, I guess that kinda makes sense now that you mention it. I always thought what were those boosters on the legs classified as.

I guess based on what I thought before, I never would've even touched the back QB. Well, back to the drawing board. I'm gonna have to make changes to my designs or come up with some new ones in For Answer. There's so much that 420 FRS can do~